Security Headers With Your Static Website Hosted On An S3 Bucket
When you request a website from a web server, the server replies with the content (e.g., HTML or an image) and numerous HTTP headers. The response’s content type and the web server’s version are both listed in these headers, for example. The HTTP Security Headers are a special kind of header that is appended to …
How to create s3 bucket in AWS for static hosting
The Simple Storage Service is an object-level storage solution provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This cloud service allows us to store any kind of file. It provides limitless storage and a single file upload limit of 5 TB. Many online applications now utilise an S3 bucket for static files as well as static hosting …
How to restrict access to an Amazon S3 bucket using CloudFront OAI
Most websites or web applications use S3 buckets and Cloudfront to host static content like CSS files, Javascript files, images, and many more. Today’s tutorial is all about storing your objects (data files) in an s3 bucket and how to secure your bucket using CloudFront. OAI (Origin access identities) The main advantage of using OAI …
Using presigned URLs to secure AWS S3 upload object with node app
How can I grant users access to S3 objects? All objects are set to private by default, which means that only the bucket account owner has access to them at first. If you want a user to have access to a certain bucket or object without making it public and secure aws S3 upload object …